In celebration of Men’s Health Month/Week in June, please join me on Thursday, June 16, 2022 in partnership with GIN (Gentlemen Interactive Network) at GIN’S First Signature Event – Get Into Nutrition, Health, and Wellbeing.
As a man, where are you on your health journey, and where do you want to go? Every man has his own approach, and I know that it’s not always easy to take steps for better health.
This event just isn’t for men. Ladies, what does men’s health have to do with you? Plenty! Men’s health issues don’t affect only men; they have a significant impact on everyone around them. And because women live longer than men, they see their fathers, brothers, sons and husbands suffer or die prematurely. I get it you are probably already thinking “I already do enough of my share. Can’t he figure this out?” Of course, he can. But there is a good chance that without some gentle pushing from you, he won’t. So, it may be up to you. Please encourage the men in your life to attend. Or better yet purchase 2 tickets and gift them for Father’s Day!