Embarking on a transformative journey with Maria since October 2021, I've experienced a profound shift in my life. Navigating my mid-40s, the pandemic had left me with a few unhealthy habits, casting …
Katie D.
When I was first introduced to Maria, I was 6 weeks postpartum from my third baby in three years. Prior to motherhood, I had been an athlete my whole life, and I ate a fairly clean diet. So, as my …
Angie A.
I tried many different programs and, although I knew what I had to do, I could never stick with them. My cholesterol levels were high and my doctor was concerned about my health. Friends of mine were …
Denise S.
I started this journey just a few short months ago and wow what a difference! On the left was a picture of me going to a wedding in a dress I had to buy that day because I could not fit into the dress …
Laura E.
Maria's skills as a health coach are amazing. She understood my personal situation and provided the tools and guidance for me to achieve my goals. The journey was much faster than I could have …
Sherry C.
Like so many women, I have been fighting with my weight my entire life. The true definition of a yo-yo dieter. I felt like every Monday I would be trying to start another plan, after …