I hope you and your family are well and staying safe during this time! I’m reaching out to you for a few reasons.
This challenging time has changed our lives in so many ways …. but it’s also providing an opportunity to make big changes that could dramatically improve the course of your life moving forward.
Here are some positives:
For the first time in years, most of us now have more time. We are not commuting back and forth to work. Being “stationed at home” also means we have fewer outside distractions. That is, we’re not in restaurants, on vacations, going to weddings and events, etc.
Time is a precious commodity, but most people put off investing it on their health and wellbeing. I know I did it for years.
The important point here is: How can you best use this gift of more time?
One way is to focus on your self-care and any health goals you may have.
If you struggled in the past to improve your health and wellbeing, if you’ve fallen short or given up on your goals again and again because you simply didn’t have enough time or focus to follow through, this could be a time to embrace an opportunity.
Taking care of your health – including optimal immune function – has never been more important. And you now have the perfect opportunity to recalibrate your personal health and wellbeing.
Recalibrating is, in part, about recognizing when to say “no” to things that don’t nurture you, whether it’s making unhealthy food choices, staying up too late, not hydrating, sitting too much, consuming too much negative information, or surrounding yourself with toxic people, places, and things.
As someone who was out of control with way too much weight and at risk for Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease – and who finally took charge and achieved optimal health and wellness – I know that getting your health on track is all about having the right kind of support. My journey lead me to become a Healthy Lifestyle Coach, and I’ve helped over hundreds navigate that same journey.
From experience, I’ve learned that attaining optimal health and wellbeing isn’t hard or time-consuming. It’s really about forming a few very simple habits.
As a Certified Healthy Lifestyle Coach, I help you establish healthy lifestyle habits into daily life step-by-step. We start by helping you create a healthy mindset and then move on to lifestyle education and actions that focus on your progress (and not perfection).
You’re supported by me throughout your journey to optimal health (remember, I’ve been there!) so you can transform the way you’re living now into something you love. From nourishing and delicious food to a new level of strength and vitality, you’ll be able to release old limitations and create a healthy lifestyle that will free you to do and enjoy so much more in life.
Back to the question: How will you use this time that you have been given?
I know that it may be challenging to think about the road ahead at these uncertain times, but the need to embrace long-term health and wellbeing has never been more significant or apparent.
With fewer distractions and more time on your hands, have you been asking yourself: “How can I release this weight and get my energy back?” “How can I start eating better?” Or, “What’s going to happen if I keep living this way?”
While we weather this current situation, I can help you answer those questions and share how I can help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing.