What an utterly amazing evening to be honored as the Recipient of the 2020 WIN Woman of the Year. It was an honor to be among three other amazing honorees. Quite the memorable evening.
The qualifications for Woman of the Year is: she must be a current local WIN-Chapter member, exemplify herself following the mission and vision of WIN, Encourages and supports women both professionally and personally, fulfills the 3 elements of WIN: mentoring, networking, educating, has gone above and beyond to support women personally and professionally, community involvement and support, participates and volunteers her time to support the variety of charities WIN supports, or other charities near and dear to her heart.
“2020 Woman of the Year – The winner was South Fayette Township resident Maria Allshouse a certified health and wellness coach who teaches nutrition and behavioral change toward a physically fit lifestyle. She walks the walk, too, having transitioned her own lifestyle into significant weight loss and subsequent maintenance.”
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