You’ve heard it before, “Whether you think you can, or you can’t… you are going to be right”.
Tweak what you speak.
Instead of having the “need“ and/or the thought “, you need to do this”, turn it around to ”I get to do this!” or “I get to heal!” You’re blessed that you’re even here right now. Why? Because you’re here for a reason.
It doesn’t take much, but often we are so busy with our day-to-day internal to-do list that we stay in our own way. Being busy is a vice and a way to avoid doing things. Your to-do list is not always going to move you into what you’re looking to have, do, improve or change. You need to ask yourself, “what am I avoiding”?
Make the shift in your mind about what your body is capable of doing. Did you know you have 60,000 thoughts a day plus trillion of cells and each one of those cells has its own conversation? And did you know about 80 percent of those thoughts are negative or what I like to call “going below the line”?
So, 60,000 thoughts and a trillion cells are listening to the conversation you are having and they are all going to mold themselves to what they are repeatedly hearing.
So, if you are hearing, “I’m tired, I’m sick. I’m broken. I can’t afford it. I can’t get better. I can’t do ______ (fill in the blank), this is genetic and you shouldn’t even try”, then what do you think becomes your reality? It’s not a shocking answer. It’s quite obvious actually.
What you believe is what’s going to happen. When you’re constantly having that inner toxic conversation telling you that you’re in body breakdown, I’m getting older it is what it is, or your body has betrayed you, your body is going to respond to that.
What is the language you use and how do you speak about yourself?
“I suck at this lifestyle thing. I suck at sticking to my health goals. I suck at _______ (fill in the blank).”
So, I suppose the proper questions are:
Why is it you want to create a better lifestyle? What is it that you’re looking to achieve personally?
What difference will it make in your life if you are able to create a healthier lifestyle? Why does that matter?
What rules have you created around it that have been making it difficult for you to follow through?
Describe the person you want to be and start speaking it into existence and follow through with the actions required!