I have had many conversations this week about emotions and how they feed us. Let’s face it, we are all emotional eaters in some way and everything we do pretty much food is in the center of it.
I am very passionate about helping others who have struggled with not only their weight but having the desire to become the best version of themselves and get to the other side. The side that I now have enjoyed for 10 years after releasing 130 pounds and never looking back. The side that has given me a life that I never thought possible and fulfilling dreams I never thought I would fulfill in my lifetime. The side that has given me an opportunity to impact hundreds of people. The side that has given me the gift of being a healthy mom, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, and now a healthy grandma-to-be in June. The side that has given me the ability to change so many lives. The side that has given me the joy to pay it forward to help those who truly desire to want to take charge of their health but have fear of trying again or don’t know where to start because you’ve tried everything!
Here is what I know…. Life is always going to be there. It truly is a journey of self-discovery and learning how to self-regulate in times of uncertainty where we want to fall back into our comfort zones. You see that is the way our brains are programmed. It’s human behavior. When our brains feel fear, pain, or distress we avoid the suffering as much as possible and regress back into our old coping mechanisms — we do more of the unwanted behavior we are trying to stop.
When we make that ONE SIMPLE DECISION to take charge of our health and wellbeing, it’s NOT ALL ABOUT THE FOOD, exercise, or losing weight. Yes, when we start to see results our fire really ignites but then the flame starts to fade. Because it’s about SO MUCH MORE. It’s truly making a DEEP CHANGE and it’s not going to be a PERFECT JOURNEY and NO ONE SAID it’s going to be easy. If we don’t work through what’s eating at us, we will continue to stay in the vicious yo-yo cycle.
DEEP CHANGE is about going deep into change that permeates all aspects of life. It encompasses physical, mental, emotional, relational, existential (purpose) and environmental. You see every dimension of deep health encompasses every area of your life and this is why it’s so much more than ABOUT THE FOOD. It’s about DEEP CHANGE. So, if you are resisting because “I don’t do well with journaling” or “I’m not a reader” or “I can’t find the time”, I encourage you to rethink your thoughts if you truly want to experience deep change because it’s part of the process and it’s part of YOU working through this change of self-realization.
I could go on and on so I will leave you all with a few questions to ask yourself today for those of you who are feeling stuck, and it is normal to feel stuck. It’s all part of the journey.
What things are most important to you? How does your health journey fit into your values and beliefs?
What sorts of things would you like to accomplish in your life that you don’t feel confident doing now or have the energy to do?
In the past, when you were successful with making the decision to take charge of your health, even just a little bit, how could you do more of that?
What has changed that caused you to wander off the path or continue forward? What would you like to see change even more?
If things were better with your overall health and wellbeing, what would be different?
If you are stuck, what have you tried before? What worked/didn’t work?
Leading from the future, imagine you reached your goal. What life are you living now?
If you were not constrained by reality, imagine for a minute that absolutely anything is possible — what would that look like in terms of your health and wellbeing?
And lastly, think about this and dream big because anything is possible.
I wonder what it would be like if I …
In closing, I never dreamed 10 years ago that I would be transforming lives and inspiring others to be the best version of themselves. If I can do it, so can you!
I know that you have the ability to change. The question lies in WHY you want to change and what is it that you ultimately want. It truly is a journey NOT another DIET DESTINATION. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about a life-changing decision to live a healthy, vibrant, active life so you can live a quality of life with purpose, passion and intention. REMEMBER . . . IT’S NOT ABOUT FOOD!
If you are ready, BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULT today!