- Drink the right amount of water. Certain health conditions and your lifestyle can determine how much water you need. For example, athletes exercising in the heat may need extra fluids to stay hydrated.
- Drink water with every meal. Drinking water with your meals will help you stay hydrated and help improve your digestion. When you are well-hydrated, your body produces sufficient saliva, which helps break food down into nutrients that the body can absorb.
- Recognize the signs of dehydration. If you experience symptoms such as thirst, headache, muscle cramps, or fatigue, you should try to replenish your fluids as soon as possible.
- Eat your vegetables. Your food choices are a significant contributor to your hydration and account for about 20 percent of your daily fluid intake. Vegetables that are high in water include lettuce, celery, bok choy, and cucumbers.
- Go fish! Enjoy the fresh fish offered during the summer season. Not only is fish rich in protein and healthy fat, it is also a light and low-calorie way to keep you satisfied.
Remember — Stay Hydrated!